Insights and Trends:

A Technology Blog by RCG

How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Attacks

How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Attacks

  Phishing Attacks: Recognize and Avoid Phishing attacks remain one of the most prevalent and dangerous threats in the cybersecurity landscape. As technology advances, so do the techniques used by cybercriminals to deceive and exploit individuals...

Protecting Against AiTM Attacks

Protecting Against AiTM Attacks

Protecting Against AiTM and BEC Attacks The Rise of AiTM Phishing and BEC Attacks Recently, Microsoft Defender Experts found a series of complex AiTM and BEC attacks. These AiTM and BEC attacks started from a compromised trusted vendor. This shows...

Proactive Email Security

Proactive Email Security

Proactive Email Security: Understanding DMARC, DKIM, and SPF   In our digital landscape, ensuring that your emails not only remain secure but also reliably reach their intended destinations is a common challenge. Each day, millions of emails...

Who’s In Your Network?

Who’s In Your Network?

Unveiling the Business Risks of Weak Cybersecurity    In an undeniably tech-driven era, businesses rely more on interconnected networks and digital infrastructure more than ever before. As we welcome the advantages of digital transformation,...

Combat Business Email Compromise Risks

Business email compromise risks (BEC) are a long-standing and ever-evolving threat that targets individuals and companies alike. These scams often rely on tactics that play off real-world events or established interpersonal relationships to trick...

Proactive Cybersecurity Strategy

Proactive Cybersecurity Strategy

Cybersecurity threats are rising, with billions of malware programs and constant regulation changes like GDPR. A proactive approach is critical to protect your organization from devastating security breaches. At Rouse Consulting Group, we help you identify vulnerabilities, evaluate risks and implement preventative measures with a dedicated technology partner. This article explores the importance of a proactive cybersecurity strategy and how to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment. Learn why investing in preventative measures, cybersecurity training, and a multi-layered cybersecurity strategy is essential. Don’t rely on reactive cybersecurity measures alone – contact us to learn more.

Cloud Services to Increase Business Productivity

Cloud Services to Increase Business Productivity

The right cloud services has the potential to vastly improve a business’s overall efficiency, performance and productivity. However, when it comes to choosing the right technology for your workplace, it can be difficult to select the best options...

How to Drive Remote Work Engagement

How to Drive Remote Work Engagement

How to Drive Remote Work Engagement Workforce engagement is crucial for every business type and is especially important for companies that offer work-from-home options. According to Gartner, 88 percent of organizations moved employees over to...

3 Ways to Leverage Your Technology in 2021

3 Ways to Leverage Your Technology in 2021

3 Ways to Leverage Your Technology in 2021 Every investment you make for your company should be made with confidence. While it’s hard to be sure which new technologies have staying power over others, one thing remains certain – your employees will...