Smarter Cybersecurity Services

Your data deserves to remain private.

Secure Your Success with Cybersecurity Services

Your sensitive data may very well be the most crucial asset to your business. With professional cybersecurity services, you can work with confidence knowing that your data is safe and available to only the right individuals when and where they need it.

Rouse Consulting Group knows what’s needed to keep your data protected. We’ll prepare your team by teaching them how to spot phishing and spoofing attacks – the most common ways login credentials are stolen and malware installed.

Get Advanced Cybersecurity Services

Get Security Awareness Training

Secure Your Environment

A few misguided clicks are all that stand between the fortification of your sensitive data and a security breach. It doesn’t matter how much time and money you spend on protecting your data if your employees can’t spot a cybercriminal’s cunning tricks. But with the right training, every gatekeeper of your private information can prevent a breach whenever one comes knocking.

Rouse Consulting Group provides the security awareness training your employees need to prevent a data breach. You’ve spent too much time and effort collecting your valuable data and building your business reputation. Prepare your team with our training. We’ll teach your team how to identify phishing and spoofing attacks – the most common ways login credentials become stolen and malware gets planted.

Cybersecurity Essentials 

Protect your business with our comprehensive
cybersecurity program.

Our Layers of Cybersecurity Services

At Rouse Consulting Group, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity services that will protect what you value most.

Dark Web Monitoring

Leverage the scanning power of Dark Web ID™ Credential Monitoring. It protects your critical business assets from compromises that lead to a breach and theft. Contact us for a complimentary, one-time scan.

Network Firewall Security

Secure your organization’s systems, users and data with our comprehensive security solution. Our certified security administrators are always available, securing small to medium businesses around the world.

Security Risk Assessment

Fortify your IT security with a five-point report that covers your: security risk, security policy, user permissions, outbound security and external vulnerabilities. Revealing potential risks facilitates proactive mitigation.

Security Awareness Training

Prepare your entire staff for the tricks that cybercriminals use every day. We’ll provide them with a fundamental understanding of common threat tactics like email phishing and spoofing.

Endpoint Detection and Response

Your endpoints are secure with our EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) solution. EDR continually monitors data activity and locks down suspicious activity before it can cause harm to your systems.

SOC/SIEM Services

Arm your SMB with the analysis, monitoring and threat intelligence tools needed with our SOC (Security Operations Center) service. Leverage our SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) system to identify and mitigate suspicious and threatening data exchanges.

Our Other IT Services

Discover the many ways RCG can become your partner in success.